Privacy Policy

We are committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy, together with our Cookie Policy, explains how we process your personal information and the choices you have. By proceeding to use this site, you are accepting and consenting to the terms of this Privacy Policy and to the way we process your personal information.


We take your privacy very seriously indeed. If you don’t want us to contact you for promotional purposes, we won’t (we will, of course, communicate with you in connection with any order you place, including order confirmation e-mails about that order).
We collect information to allow you to place orders with us and to improve your experience using our website. In particular, we diligently collect, track and interpret all data, including your personal information, which help to reveal what users generally, and you specifically, like and don’t like about our website, content and advertising.
We may share data with strategic, trusted partners (who may be located outside of the European Economic Area) so that we can better understand and improve the visitor experience, and cater to your preferences.
You can always find out what information we hold about you, and you can always opt-out, anytime.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please get in touch.


We collect information you give us when you:
register to use our website or create an account;
place an order;
search for a product;
subscribe to any update service;
participate in social media functions on our website;
login using your social media profile;
submit a review or enter other information on our website;
specifically registering your interest to receive marketing or promotional news or specific product information from us;
contact us by phone or email; or
participate in a lottery, auction, prize draw, competition or promotion.

This information may include your date of birth, name, email address, phone number, and social media profile details; transaction details, purchase history, and items saved in your basket; payment information and bank details such as your credit or debit card number and other payment card information, as well as billing and shipping details; and any other information you provide in connection with promotional offers or other marketing activities.

Information we collect using cookies and other tracking technologies relating to your use of our website and to your experience using our website (including the full URL clickstream to, through and from our site, download errors, methods used to browse away from each page, any phone number used to call our customer service number, device information, IP address, usage and location data). In basic terms, we will collect as much information about your use of our website as we possibly can.

In our experience, this is the best way of improving the experience of visitors to the website. Oh, and just because other websites don’t tell you that they do this, doesn’t mean that they don’t! The tools which we use to monitor the functioning of our website collect certain data which users enter when interacting with that website, including personal data such as IP addresses, even if those users do not complete a purchase, post a comment, submit a review, enter a lottery or competition, bid in an auction or interact in any other way with our website.

We will never record passwords or plain/raw credit card details in this way.
Information we receive from other sources, such as when somebody buys a gift for you on our website, when you login using your social media profile facilitated by a third party, and from partners we jointly offer services with or from advertisers, about your interactions with them. This may comprise your name, geographic location, age, shopping habits, user-generated content (such as blogs and social media postings), social media username or other social media profile information (such as number of followers), in each case as permitted by law.

We ensure that we have a lawful basis for processing this information before we receive that information for processing, which could be by way of consent, legitimate interest, and/or necessary for the performance of contractual obligation. Where you have given consent to a third party to process your information, such processing and further details of that party’s processing will be subject to the third party privacy statements of each of the websites you interact with.